Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sick days

Sick days always scare me with mind rushes to the worst possible things. I always think of those little ones who were completely healthy and then one day it just all went downhill. What if that's today? What if he can't get over this one? What if this is our last day? I hate it. I hate feeling like this. I hate SMA and what it does to our babies. A normal sickness hits their little bodies ten times harder. He spent most of today hooked up to his pulse oximeter. And it beeped....and beeped....and beeped....his heartrate was so high and his oxygen got so low. My heart stopped. We gave him a breathing treatment and his heartrate went higher. Once we were done we made him a pallet on the couch and he laid down. He finally fell asleep and his heartrate went back into normal range and his oxygen was steady at 96/97. Days like today make me cherish every moment I have with him. You never know what's going to strike and how hard it's going to be. He is the strongest little boy I know <3 We will beat SMA!

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