Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Potty Training

Sooo....this is the FOURTH time I've tried to potty train Z. The first time he did so good and didn't have an accident for ONE WHOLE DAY! Then once there was an accident it all went downhill from there. We stopped for a few months and tried again....the same thing happened. I was told to wait til he asked for the potty and yesterday he did! He woke up and just asked to get on the big boy potty! Surprised the heck out of me! He sat there.....and sat there.....and sat there! He didn't go at all! He's obsessed with sitting on the potty but doesn't get that he needs to actually pee in it! lol. He wants to be on the big toilet but his feet/legs fall asleep when they hang there so he's been sitting on his little potty. He finally went pee on it today! lol. He was rewarded with one Mike & Ike. :) I tried to bribe him with new Diego underoos but he doesn't like that idea. He said his bottom would hurt. ?? Don't know why he thinks that! If anyone has any tips/advice for me on getting him potty trained that would be greatly appreciated! The hardest thing about it is when we are out he can't go potty, even if he needs to. He IS NOT sitting on a toilet that is not in our house. I need to carry like toilet covers with me everywhere. Or a potty chair. ha!We'll see how this time turns out!

Miss Z got her first big girl dinner last night. :) Pizza lasagna! The messiest first meal ever! But it was so cute. She was a mess after but she was so happy! She's getting so big so fast and it's breaking my heart :( With Z having SMA Paul and I have decided we aren't going to risk having another baby with it so Zoe is our last one. :( I always wanted a big family and wanted 3 or 4 kids. It's a very emotional subject for me. I want more kids so bad, but I know it's just selfish. I would hate to have another one just because I want one and they ended up having SMA. I don't want another baby to go through what Z has had to go through. This is the most random blog ever. haha! Here's a pic of Miss Z being big and covered in pizza sauce! :)

I have the cutest kids ever!!! :)

Monday, May 30, 2011


This has been a great summer! Z got his power wheelchair a few months ago so he can keep up with the kids! It has been awesome seeing him be able to play with the kids and go wherever they go! It makes me so happy to be able to see my baby be so independant!

Zoe is growing SO fast! She is already sitting up and 2 days ago I layed her on her belly and when I came back in the room she was sitting up! She's crawling everywhere! I couldn't wait til she started moving and now I think I was crazy! :) It's great to see her reach milestones that it took Z a long time to reach, but it just makes my life that much more crazy! :)

They absolutely love each other <3
I am honestly so blessed to be their momma <3